Times change, but the love for music persists. Decades ago, it was common in Bavaria to go to “Musi” in order to be able to party and dance properly. By the way, you have also found the band or party band with which you can celebrate your wedding or hold the next village festival.
Nowadays, the Internet has replaced this tradition of finding bands. But modern times also mean that the search for a band is much more difficult than 'at a good time. ' Here, the volume book bridges the gap between past and future to a certain extent.
Looking for hidden champions in Bavaria with the band book
The Bavarian music scene is lively and diverse. With the band book, you not only discover party bands from Bavaria that are already in the limelight, but also hidden champions. As an organizer, for example, if you are at the beginning of your band search, the band book can be a great source of inspiration to get to know the first party bands in order to go deeper into your band search.
The idea behind the band book
In a world where bands are virtually invisible due to a lack of social media presence or discounting by the Google algorithm, the idea for the band book was born. When searching for a band on the Internet, you turn in circles relatively quickly and so I decided — on my platform proudleut.com — to create a printed band book that, for example, also spotlights said Hidden Champions.
The diversity of bands in Bavaria
The volume book presents 40 cover bands from various genres. From Bavarian party bands to brass bands and brass bands to children's and youth bands, the book offers an impressive variety and overview of musicians here in Bavaria. As different as the bands may be there, the events that can be played at are just as different. For example, these bands give concerts, play at festivals, folk festivals, weddings, anniversaries, company parties, in kindergartens, on family afternoons, at company parties, church ceremonies, dults, founding parties, carnival balls, Oktoberfest parties, etc.
The process of writing a band book
The writing process itself may not have been particularly challenging, but the organizational task of correctly preparing all information from so many bands and coordinating it well in time was a challenge in itself. It took just over a year for the complete implementation. Inpuncto Graphic Design & Illustration, graphic designer Michael Süllner was able to actively support me and speed up the development process a lot (www.suellner.com).
I finally packaged the band book myself and was able to send it to 7,000 organizers throughout Bavaria.
The message from the band book
Regardless of whether you are a host, agency, company or association — the band book cordially invites everyone to browse through the catalog and be inspired. The variety of bands presented offers the right musical accompaniment for every occasion.
The future of the band book
The band book is more than just a one-off project. On request, it can be sent by post and a PDF download is also available at the end of the article. The ideas for an updated band book are already flourishing to continue to be the stage for a small part of Bavaria's music scene in the future.